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Makali'i is an independant "Lomi lomi" masseuse. She provides an ancestral hawaian healing technique. Organic shapes and minimalst design create the brand identity of Makali'i.


"Makali'i experience", Illustration produce in march 2019

Makalii phylosphy

Makali’i is the Hawaiian name for the Pleiades. It is sometimes translated as “tiny eyes”. The eyes and the life of the thousands of cells that make up our body. 

Traditionally, lomi lomi massages were one of the ancient healing techniques used on the Pacific Islands and are directly linked to the concept of “ohana” (family). The ancient Hawaiians considered all life as part of their family, whether external (such as plants, animals, the ocean, and the rocks) or internal (such as emotions, muscle tension, ideas, and illnesses). Life as one, even if the form it takes is different. Therefore, during lomi lomi massages, the patient should welcome each feeling, idea or emotion like a family member who is bringing him/her an essential message. 

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